Accounting, Bookkeeping & Tax Blog

Your small business resource for accounting, bookkeeping, and taxes from our experts.

How Payroll Debit Cards Work

Employees and employers often use multiple payment methods depending on what works best. The traditional methods are direct deposit and check payments. Recently, employers have turned to payroll debit cards, also known as pay cards, which come with several advantages and drawbacks.  If you’re an employee who wants to understand the fundamentals of a pay […]


How to Pay Yourself as a Small Business Owner

If you own a business, how do you pay yourself? Paying yourself is an essential task that can be confusing at times. You may wonder how to determine your compensation, especially if you’re just starting your business. The good news is that paying yourself as a business owner is a straightforward process that you can […]


Navigating Payroll and Taxes for Remote Workers

Like it or not, remote work is here to stay. Gone are the days when employees came into the office every day. Maybe an employee works in-person sometimes, but chances are you’ll have at least a few employees or contractors that work entirely remotely.  In some ways, remote work can be easy and convenient. You […]


Owner’s Draw vs. Salary: What’s the Difference?

As a small business owner, you need to make decisions all the time. One of the most important decisions you’ll make is how and how much you’ll pay yourself. The law orders that you follow certain guidelines when it comes to compensation and income tax. However, you can exercise your own discretion in other matters, […]


Worker Classification: Employee vs. Contractor

Every small business begins with just one person or a small team creating a plan and developing a vision. If the company is going to keep growing, however, you eventually need to start expanding your team and invite someone new to join you in your work.  Once your company starts to grow, you won’t be […]