Federal & state filing for $999
Let the experts prepare your business taxes for you. Ensure complete compliance and minimize tax burden.
Saved businesses
in taxes on average*
Our CPAs have an average of
17 years
of experience**
tax returns filed annually***
Online accounting includes preparing and filing your business's annual income tax return and Schedule C, 1065, 1120, or 1120S.
We can amend previous federal and state business tax returns for mistakes and make submissions on your behalf.
Your online business tax return is prepared using a mix of experienced accounting experts and technology, ensuring a minimal tax liability.
We guarantee you’ll get every dollar your business is entitled to. Maximize deductions & credits for your business with the help of 1-800Accountant.
Count on experts you can trust at 1-800Accountant. We file over 40,000 tax returns annually and guarantee accuracy of your business tax return.
Income tax preparation and filing | Year-round tax advisory | Quarterly estimated taxes | Franchise taxes | And more
*Based on a $12.2k average 2022 tax refund per client, which is 4x the cost of a full-service package. Source: first-party data.
**Historical first-party data.
***Historical first-party data.