Types of 1099 Tax Forms: Each Form Explained

Whether you’re a business owner or an independent contractor, you might feel overwhelmed by paperwork – especially during tax season. The multitude of types of 1099 tax forms adds to the complexities of tax compliance. 


You may encounter 1099 tax forms for multiple reasons. Examples include hiring (or working as) an independent contractor, earning interest income, or trading stock.

Did you know there are more than 20 types of 1099 tax forms? 

This article will explain the purpose of each type of 1099 tax form. You’ll learn about common 1099 tax forms that could be relevant to your business. You’ll also learn which 1099 tax forms you might need for your individual income tax return. 

What Are 1099 Tax Forms Used For?

IRS Form 1099 is a series of informational reports the IRS uses to collect information about taxpayers’ earnings. 

Businesses need to file 1099 tax forms to report the type of payments they made and explain who received the payment as income. The taxpayer receiving the payment should report the income on their return.

1099s report income from activities other than working as an employee. For example, certain types of 1099 tax forms report dividend income, HSA distributions, and freelancer fees. 

Your business should use the form associated with the type of payment it made.

Since 1099 forms are informational, they can feel unnecessary – especially if you’re a small business owner with no time for extra paperwork. However, the IRS requires businesses to file Form 1099 for payments meeting specific criteria. 

You should file 1099 tax forms to submit information about relevant business activities and related payments. 

You might also need to notify the income recipients. For example, if you’re a small business owner, you should issue Form 1099s to the independent contractors you hire.

You should know about the most common types of 1099 tax forms, which we’ll explain below. We recommend consulting with tax professionals for help with complicated terms. 

A Detailed Breakdown of the Different Types of 1099 Tax Forms

You might be wondering: Which 1099 form do I need? 

To ensure you use the correct 1099 tax form, refer to our list of common 1099 tax forms. We’ll explain the type of income to report and the types of taxpayers who should receive the form.

1099-B: Proceeds from Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions

Form 1099-B reports income from broker and barter exchange transactions.

The 1099-B is generally for income from stock sales. Brokers should issue a Form 1099-B to individuals who sold stock and received cash or other property from a corporation. 

You might receive a Form 1099-B if you buy and sell corporate stock through a brokerage.

Brokers do not need to file Form 1099-B if the recipient is a corporation or a charitable organization. The IRS excludes various other recipients. 

Your business may need to file Form 1099-B if it consistently participates in broker activities like facilitating third-party sales. Check the IRS Form 1099-B instructions if the description fits your business. 

You can also talk to a tax professional for guidance.

1099-C: Cancellation of Debt

Form 1099-C reports debts forgiven by lenders. 

For example, if a bank cancels a loan it held with a customer, the bank must file a Form 1099-C with the IRS. The bank should also issue Form 1099-C to the customer. The customer should report the debt forgiveness on their individual income tax return.

Form 1099-C filers include lenders such as credit card companies and finance companies. 

Your business may need to file Form 1099-C if it often lends money. You can review the IRS Form 1099-C instructions to check whether your business fits the lender definition.

Lenders should file Form 1099-C if the recipient is an individual, corporation, partnership, estate, trust, or association. Unlike some other 1099 form requirements, there is no exception for issuing the form 1099-C to corporations. 

You may receive a Form 1099-C if your bank canceled a loan you owed (meaning you didn’t have to pay back the debt). 

1099-DIV: Dividends and Distributions

Form 1099-DIV reports income from dividends and distributions. For example, corporations should file Form 1099-DIV to report stockholder dividends.

Did your business issue dividends to stockholders? 

You should file a Form 1099-DIV for each individual you paid dividends. However, you don’t need to file Form 1099-DIV if the recipient is a corporation or charitable organization. The IRS lists several other filing exceptions in the Form 1099-DIV instructions.

You may receive a Form 1099-DIV if you own stock in any corporations that issue dividends.

1099-INT: Interest Income

1099-INT reports interest paid for business purposes.

For example, banks send Form 1099-INTs to customers who earn interest on savings accounts. Other examples of interest payments requiring Form 1099-INT include the following:

  • Interest from savings and loan associations or credit unions.
  • Interest on bank deposits, bonds, notes, and certificates of deposit.
  • Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds and Treasury bonds. 
  • Like other types of 1099 tax forms, Form 1099-INT includes filing exceptions. You don’t need to file Form 1099-INT if the recipient is a corporation or charitable organization. 

    The IRS Form 1099-INT instructions explain exceptions for other recipients. 

    Keep in mind: Form 1099-INT is only for business interest payments. Individual taxpayers shouldn’t file Form 1099-INT for personal debts. For example, college graduates who pay interest on student loans do not need to submit Form 1099-INT to report their payments. 

    1099-MISC: Miscellaneous Income

    Form 1099-MISC reports business payments of more than $600 for miscellaneous items, including the following:  

  • Rent
  • Prizes and awards
  • Medical and health care payments
  • The IRS Form 1099-MISC instructions include numerous additional types of payments. You should check the instructions to determine whether your business payments meet the criteria. 

    Like other types of 1099 tax forms, the 1099-MISC is only for business payments. You don’t need to file a Form 1099-MISC to report the rent you paid for your apartment. Also, your business does not need to file Form 1099-MISC if the recipient is a corporation or charitable organization.

    We recommend consulting small business tax professionals if you’re unsure whether your business payments meet the 1099-MISC reporting requirements. 

    1099-NEC: Nonemployee Compensation

    Form 1099-NEC reports business payments to nonemployees, including independent contractors, freelancers, and attorneys. 

    Your business should file Form 1099-NEC if you’ve hired independent contractors to help with business services. Be sure to send a copy to anyone you’ve paid for services. (Remember, you should issue W-2s – not 1099s – for employee wages.)

    You do not need to file Form 1099-NEC for corporate recipients unless you paid for legal services from a corporate law practice. You can check the IRS Form 1099-NEC instructions for more information on Form 1099-NEC reporting.

    If you’re a freelancer or independent contractor, expect to receive Form 1099-NEC from your clients. 

    Other Types of 1099 Tax Forms

    In addition to the types of 1099 tax forms we’ve already mentioned, the IRS has published 1099s for multiple other business payment categories. 

    The following forms are less common for small businesses. However, your business may need to file one of the less-common 1099 tax forms if you made payments fitting the descriptions below. 

    Consult with income tax professionals to understand if you should file one of the following types of 1099 tax forms. 

    Form NumberForm Name / Description
    1099-AAcquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property
    1099-CAPChanges in Corporate Control and Capital Structure
    1099-GCertain Government Payments
    1099-HHealth Coverage Tax Credit Advance Payments
    1099-KPayment Card and Third-Party Network Transactions
    1099-LSReportable Life Insurance Sale
    1099-LTCLong-Term Care and Accelerated Death Benefits
    1099-OIDOriginal Issue Discount
    1099-PATRTaxable Distributions Received from Cooperatives
    1099-QPayments From Qualified Education Programs
    1099-QADistributions from ABLE Accounts
    1099-RDistributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.
    1099-SProceeds From Real Estate Transactions
    1099-SADistributions From an HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA
    1099-SBSeller’s Investment in Life Insurance Contract

    Tips on Managing 1099 Forms

    Whether you’re planning to file 1099 tax forms for your business or you’re gathering records for your income tax return, you should stay organized throughout the year. 

    We’ve collected our best practices for managing 1099 tax compliance. 

  • Keep detailed business records of your receipts and payments throughout the year.
  • Ask independent contractors for their contact information – early.
  • Save statements from your savings, brokerage, and investment accounts.
  • Consult income tax professionals who can help you stay compliant.
  • Partner with Tax Professionals

    If you’re a business owner, you know how stressful tax season can be. You need to gather records, run reports, and complete calculations – all while keeping your business running smoothly. 

    Form 1099 compliance is critical to a smooth tax return process. You should know the common types of 1099 tax forms and understand the activities that cause a reporting requirement. 

    You don’t have to manage the process alone. Partner with 1-800Accountant for help with Form 1099 complexities. Let us support your compliance. 

    1-800Accountant professionals can answer your questions, guide you through forms, and help you maximize your tax deductions. 

    This post is to be used for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, business, or tax advice. Each person should consult his or her own attorney, business advisor, or tax advisor with respect to matters referenced in this post. 1-800Accountant assumes no liability for actions taken in reliance upon the information contained herein.