Woman flexing muscles around fruits and vegetables

When Renata Joy of New York, New York was a child growing up, she saw those in her immediate family suffering from preventable illnesses, and vowed that she would do everything in her power to take charge of her health. It was her early desire to live happily and healthily that led her to create her own small business in the wellness industry. In August of 2014, Pure Joy Wellness, LLC was formally established. Joy works on the administrative duties that come with small business ownership from home, but also works with clients at a separate brick-and-mortar location.

“Growing up in a family where I was surrounded by people who suffered from different illnesses, it frightened me so much as a child that I would do anything not to be sick. That got me on the path of researching and studying and doing everything I could to stay healthy. You need to take care of yourself because without your health, you won’t have anything,” she explains.

After working as a television producer for 20 years, Joy decided to branch out and form the lifestyle brand that emphasizes diet, exercise, and the right attitude to make it work.

“Pure Joy Wellness is a health and wellness business. What we do is teach people how to live a healthy lifestyle, and that is through diet, through exercise, and through helping people change their mindsets and find out what is blocking them from living a healthy life. It’s a mind, body, and life business. The main theme I teach people is how to stay young, strong, and sexy for life,” Joy says of the mission of her small business.

For Joy, success can’t be defined through monetary rewards. Instead, she wants to help as many people as she can, positively enhancing the lives of each client she brings on.

“For me, even changing one person’s life and getting them on a better path would be a success. Not only the people I physically work with in New York, but people around the world. I want my message to reach them,” she says.

According to Joy, most of Pure Joy Wellness’ clients are women between the ages of 30 and 55. Pure Joy Wellness has a website at www.purejoywellness.com with a regularly updated blog and a free downloadable eBook titled The 7 Secrets to Staying Young, Strong & Sexy for Life. The small business also has pages on FacebookPinterest, and Twitter.

Competing in the Wellness Industry

Like other small business owners, Joy has experienced her fair share of competition in the wellness industry, particularly in a metropolis like New York City where everyone wants to put their best foot forward. But staying true to her business objective of having the right mindset, Joy chooses to focus less on what it is her competitors are offering and more on what she has to give to her clients.

“There is competition in terms of there being a lot of people in this business. But I’m a firm believer that there is no competition because there are going to be certain types of people who will gravitate toward you. What I have to offer is going to attract what someone out there wants,” Joy reasons.

Challenges of Small Business Ownership

Although Pure Joy Wellness is the manifestation of what has always been Joy’s calling, she still was not exempt from the same challenges that many other small business owners face in the startup stages of success — having enough money to fund the business before accumulating clients.

“The main challenge is that there is nobody else to fall back on. There’s no company you’re working for that’s going to provide you with a paycheck. You’re responsible for everything. It’s really hard, and you must be disciplined. There is no one to tell me what time I should go to work. I have to set my own hours, and I have to motivate myself,” she says.

Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

First things first for aspiring entrepreneurs: Do research! Joy urges those looking to become small business owners to brief themselves on the basics before taking the plunge.

“Take a business course. I took an online business class. Learn the ins and outs of starting a business. Then find a good accountant to help you get formally established,” she instructs.

Joy ensures the extra work in the beginning will pay off if the passion and drive is there to back it up.

“Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. It takes a certain type of personality that can be an entrepreneur. I live and breathe what I do. It is who and what I am. What I’m teaching is how I live, and I enjoy that.”

Experience as a 1-800Accountant Client

Renata Joy of Pure Joy Wellness, LLC is a satisfied client of 1-800Accountant. She is receiving assistance in the form of tax consulting.

Photo credit: The photographs included in this blog post were provided by Pure Joy Wellness, LLC and are used with permission.

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