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UPDATE – Saturday, April 25th, 2020 After several weeks of intense debate, the newest coronavirus bill - the 4th one to pass to date - passed both the Senate and House in landslide votes.  The new bill provides $484 billion of additional funding to support businesses and essential services that are quickly running out of options. Of the nearly $500 billion, $310 billion is earmarked for the Paycheck Protection Program, which ran out of funding on April 16th. An additional $60 billion is meant for Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) and grants. The SBA is set to start accepting applications for these disaster loans on Monday, April 27th, at 7:30am. Businesses who previously applied don’t need to resubmit their applications. Businesses who didn’t get to apply last time should prepare their applications now to ensure they’re ready when the SBA starts accepting them again. This $310 billion will undoubtedly help many more small businesses - however, there is still concern that the amount could run out just as quickly as last time. Businesses in need of funds should act now if applying for a PPP or an EIDL.  It’s also worth noting that many states offer local relief programs for small businesses and nonprofits in their area. If you aren’t approved for an EIDL or PPP, be sure to check out any local programs that could still provide relief. Other areas of the new bill provide funding for hospitals and expanded COVID-19 testing.  With the threat of funding once again running dry, lawmakers are already at work on another stimulus bill. This bill, currently referred to as “CARES 2” is said to provide even more sweeping support for businesses and individuals affected by the coronavirus pandemic.UPDATE - Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020 The U.S. Senate voted unanimously on Tuesday, April 21st to pass a 484 billion dollar package in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Observers expect it to be approved by the House on Thursday with no delays. The bill provides emergency support for small businesses, hospitals, and expanded testing for the coronavirus. While the Paycheck Protection Program and the Emergency Injury Disaster Loans ran out of funding last week, this package will inject more funds into those federal business relief programs.  The Senate’s version of the bill would provide:
  • $310 billion for forgivable small business loans through the Paycheck Protection Program, including $60 billion for small lenders.
  • $60 billion for Emergency Injury Disaster Loans and grant advances administered by the Small Business Administration.
  • $75 billion to be distributed directly to hospitals coping with the crisis.
  • $25 billion to expand COVID-19 testing by a host of different agencies and organizations. 
  • If passed, this bill will be the fourth round of the national legislative response to the novel coronavirus. However, the president and many lawmakers say they regard this bill as a simple stop-gap measure, and that further support is on its way for the American people and economy. UPDATE - Friday, April 17th, 2020 On April 16th, the Small Business Administration announced that the funds for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) had been exhausted. The PPP, part of the federal government’s response to the economic damage inflicted by COVID-19, had been authorized for $349 billion. Funds ran out less than two weeks after the program’s introduction. Loan applicants that received a Small Business Administration authorization number will receive an SBA guaranty and a place in the SBA’s approval queue. However, the SBA will no longer accept new loan applications from banks. The agency also announced that it will not maintain a queue for existing applications not yet submitted. The SBA also announced on April 16th that they would no longer accept applications for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan COVID-19 related assistance program due to a lapse in funding. EIDL applications that have been successfully submitted will be processed on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The White House and Congress are currently negotiating the new funding terms for both the PPP and EIDL. Small businesses that did not submit their PPP and EIDL applications to the SBA prior to the cutoff should continue to finish their Paycheck Protection Program applications and EIDL applications to prepare for the authorization of additional funding. 1-800Accountant will stand by our clients who already submitted EIDL and PPP applications. Other forms of stimulus aid from the CARES Act for individuals and small businesses are still available. We will continue to help small businesses receive the aid they need.UPDATE - Friday, March 27th, 2020 President Trump signed the new Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act after it passed the House with a quorum of more than 216 members present. The quorum vote came after a Republican representative from Kentucky attempted to force an in-person vote instead of a voice vote. Shortly after the House passed the legislation, the President signed it into law. Of the CARES Act, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, “The aid must be robust, rapid, and resilient, just like its recipients. We are going to help Americans through this.” The 880-page piece of legislation covers a wide range of topics. Just a few include:
  • Direct payments to Americans as Recover Rebates (which will be $1200 for most individuals depending on their tax bracket)
  • Expanded unemployment insurance that will include $600 more per week in benefits, up to four months of coverage, and expanded coverage to the self-employed and gig economy workers, who aren’t traditionally covered
  • A payroll credit of up to $10,000 for businesses affected by the coronavirus
  • $150 billion for a Coronavirus Relief Fund for city and state governments, which will be allocated by population size.
  • The Act is designed to alleviate the burden on individuals, businesses, hospitals, and local governments. This is the third round of government support in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the first being an allocation of $8.3 billion to public health support and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act that passed last week.UPDATE - Wednesday, March 25th, 2020 Early this morning on Capitol Hill, Senate leaders in the Trump Administration reached a historic bipartisan deal on an emergency relief package in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The announcement, made at 1 a.m., marks the end of several long days of negotiation in the Senate.  Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin ran point on negotiations with the White House, facing intense pressure to reach a deal after several failed or delayed negotiations earlier this week. “This is a wartime level of investment in our nation,” senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said of the deal. “The men and women of the greatest country on earth are going to defeat this coronavirus and reclaim our future.” Some key points in the new bill include:
  • Checks mailed to Americans in low-income and middle-class households (exact amounts currently unknown)
  • Funding for low-interest loans for small businesses, as well as possible existing loan forgiveness
  • Funding for the healthcare system across the country
  • Extended unemployment insurance for laid-off workers
  • Exact details of the bill have not yet been announced; the full bill is expected to be released later today. This is not the first bill this month designed to provide economic relief to those affected by the coronavirus. Last week, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act passed, which was designed to allow tax breaks for self-employed people and small businesses that have to take (or provide to their employees) paid time off. The Senate is expected to vote on the bill later today.UPDATE - Sunday, March 22nd, 2020  On Friday March 20th, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin announced on Twitter that the IRS would defer the Federal filing deadline for individuals and businesses to July 15th, matching the deferred payment deadline announced earlier in the week. The next day, the IRS confirmed with an update on their newsroom. As with the payment deferral, the extension is automatic and requires no form to request. Any taxpayers who need additional time to file beyond the July 15th deadline will need to apply for an extension as normal.  IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig still strongly recommends that any taxpayer who expects to receive a refund file as soon as possible. Most refunds are still being issued within 21 days. In the same announcement, the IRS also lifted the limits on individuals and businesses to defer payments. Instead of $1 million for individuals and $10 million for businesses, the IRS is now allowing all taxpayers to defer payments until July 15th. As with the original deferral announcement, that means that individuals and businesses can defer payment until July 15th with no penalties or interest, regardless of how much they will owe. However, taxpayers who live in states that charge income tax on the state-level may still have to file and pay their state income taxes by the original deadline of April 15th. Many states may match the new filing deadline, but taxpayers will have to seek guidance from their local governments to know for sure. Another thing to note is that the filing and payment deadline for Partnerships and S-Corporations was March 16th. There as of yet has been no word on amnesty or abatements for businesses who missed that deadline.March 17th, 2020 On March 11th, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, and states across the country started to take measures to ensure their population would slow the spread. Many states have ordered that restaurants and bars close their doors and no longer allow in-person dining (though it should be noted that most places still allow takeout). Communities around the Bay Area in California have taken an even more extreme measure of closing all non-essential businesses and limiting travel. It’s become clear that small businesses are struggling due to social distancing measures. Those that are still open have reported drops in sales almost across the board. On the same day, President Trump announced from the White House that the Small Business Administration would offer disaster loans to small businesses affected by COVID-19. He also announced he would advise the Treasury Department to defer tax payments for those affected. Here’s what that means for small businesses and taxpayers across the country.

    Disaster Loans

    In an effort to both help struggling small businesses, and to encourage business owners to take the appropriate measures to protect themselves and their employees. According to the SBA, they are working directly with state Governors to provide loans to affected businesses. These loans are designed to be low-interest, and according to President Trump, they’re designed to “ small businesses overcome temporary economic disruptions caused by the virus.” These loans can be used for things like payroll, paying fixed debts, and other bills that can’t be paid because of the economic impact of the novel coronavirus. For businesses without credit, the interest rate is 3.75%, and for non-profits, 2.75%. Businesses with credit available elsewhere are not currently eligible for disaster relief loans. Businesses that need help can check their eligibility, apply online, and learn more on the Small Business Administration website.

    Deferred Tax Payments

    On March 17th, 2020, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin confirmed that President Trump authorized the deferral of $300 billion in IRS tax payments in an effort to allow the U.S. economy to recover from the fallout of the virus. This doesn’t mean that taxpayers don’t still have to file their taxes or an extension by April 15th. It does, however, mean that individuals and businesses that owe payments to the IRS have an additional 90 days to pay the IRS past April 15th. Individuals who owe the IRS can defer up to $1 million in IRS payments, and businesses are allowed to defer up to $10 million. There’s no interest or penalties for this deferral for 90 days. According to Mnuchin, “All you have to do is file your taxes. You’ll automatically not get charged interest and penalties.” The National Society of Accountants sent a letter Friday to Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Charles Rettig, asking for the IRS to extend tax-filing season because of the threat from the coronavirus, while the National Conference of CPA Practitioners asked the IRS and the Treasury to waive penalties and interest charges for taxpayers. The American Institute of CPAs also requested earlier this week that the April 15 tax deadline be pushed back, along with other forms of tax relief. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin indicated an openness to doing that during a congressional hearing Wednesday, but so far President Trump has only called for deferring interest and penalties for “certain individuals and businesses negatively impacted” by COVID-19. At this time, the April 15th deadline is still in place for businesses and individuals. The accountants on our team recommend filing either your return or your extension as soon as possible.

    Talk to an Accountant

    The situation is unpredictable, but it’s clear the government is taking steps to support individuals and small businesses in the face of this crisis. The president also announced that the Small Business Administration would be offering businesses low-interest loans to help them fight the economic effects of COVID-19.  If you’re worried about how to best take care of your business during this time, consider connecting with an accountant to work proactively toward a plan. A professional accountant can ensure you meet your tax obligations and make the best choices for keeping your business stable in an unstable time.    

    This post is to be used for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, business, or tax advice. Each person should consult his or her own attorney, business advisor, or tax advisor with respect to matters referenced in this post. 1-800Accountant assumes no liability for actions taken in reliance upon the information contained herein.