Accounting, Bookkeeping, & Tax Blog

Your small business resource for accounting, bookkeeping, and taxes from our experts.

Use this article to learn how to address your Twitch streaming income from a tax standpoint […]

Use this article to learn about and weigh the numerous considerations and tactics Airbnb hosts can take to minimize their overall tax burden […]

Tax season can be a stressful time of year, especially for small business owners with competing priorities and low bandwidth. Fortunately, a business ta [...]

Although your Airbnb business can generate a surprisingly high tax bill, you can lower your tax liability with Airbnb tax deductions […]

While many self-employed workers enjoy the flexibility of Amazon Flex, there are increased tax responsibilities associated with being your own boss […]< [...]

If you're wondering how much to set aside for your 1099 taxes, use this article to get the insights you need to estimate accurately […]

Now that you're self-employed, you'll have to pay your taxes directly to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and make quarterly tax payments four times a [...]

This article will explain the purpose of each type of 1099 tax form. You’ll learn about common 1099 tax forms that could be relevant to your business [… [...]

As an Uber driver, you must file a personal income tax return if you earn at least $400 in self-employment income. This article offers a step-by-step gu [...]

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