Accounting, Bookkeeping, & Tax Blog

Your small business resource for accounting, bookkeeping, and taxes from our experts.

What Is the Inflation Reduction Act?  After another round of intense negotiations, Congress passed an ambitious $739 billion spending bill to address [...]
Nothing may be more rewarding than laboring all day to clean up a messy house and then seeing how sparkling and new it looks after this hard work. While ho [...]
As a small business owner, you should never overlook your accounting needs. Learning the financial accounting basics is essential, regardless of industry o [...]
Congrats on the new business! As a new small business owner, the world is full of opportunities. It’s time to take action, develop your product, and show y [...]
As a small business owner, you’re accustomed to wearing many hats. It takes a lot of energy and resources to keep your business running smoothly. Small bus [...]
Have you been dreaming about starting your own business? That’s wonderful! Becoming an entrepreneur can be an exciting and fulfilling journey. But where do [...]
Petty cash can cause difficulties with small business expense tracking. This article blog discusses common issues from manual handling to fraud, offering t [...]
When a loved one or relative passes away, they may leave behind an inherited IRA. As the beneficiary, you may be the recipient of either an inherited Roth [...]
There are several key tax strategies for investment property owners that can help save money on taxes. You can use tax strategies to defer tax payments or [...]
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