Accounting, Bookkeeping & Tax Blog

Your small business resource for accounting, bookkeeping, and taxes from our experts.

Small Business Taxes: What Has Changed in 2023

The U.S. tax code is an extraordinarily complex body of law that’s spread across nearly 7,000 pages. To further complicate things, it’s essentially a living document that gets revised and amended every year. To put it simply, taxes are complicated and without a dedicated accounting expert on your side, it can be near impossible to […]


What Happens If You Get Audited and Don’t Have Receipts?

The last thing any small business owner wants is an audit notice from the IRS. But there is a certain comfort in knowing your returns are accurate and you have the paperwork to back them up. That way, you know you’ll have a strong defense. But what happens if you get audited and don’t have […]


Tax Deductions: What are They, and How Do They Work?

Tax deductions are by far the most exciting topic that falls under the “taxes” umbrella. Most people are aware that deducting things from their taxes means that they get more money back on their refund. Or in the case of businesses, it means lower payments to the IRS each year. But despite the exciting topic, […]


CPA vs. Tax Preparer: Which Is Best for Your Business?

As a small business owner, you always want to do what’s best for your business. This includes making the perfect hires, selecting the right vendors, and choosing the best person to do your taxes. But which is best for your business, a CPA or a tax preparer? Use this blog as your guide to understanding […]


What Is Form 2290 and When Is It Due?

Form 2290 serves many purposes for truck drivers who need to report changes to their tax status, vehicle, or truck weight. Fortunately, it’s easy to complete and file your Form 2290, but there are some things you should know, such as the Form 2290 due date, before you do!  What is a 2290 Form in […]


199A Pass-Through Deduction: What is it and how to calculate it?

The political process can be hard to follow. Different proposals flow back and forth as possible legislation slowly takes shape. But even as the picture gains clarity, it’s hard to predict for certain what will happen. Bills constantly change through negotiation with different groups, and it’s not guaranteed that the final bill will pass.  As […]


Navigating Dropshipping Taxes for U.S. Based Businesses

U.S.-based businesses can use dropshipping to fulfill customer orders without actually having to keep the products in stock. It’s a great way to save space, time, and money for retail businesses. Dropshipping is on the rise — the global market value is projected to reach $1670.1 billion by 2031.   Interested in growing or starting your […]


Navigating Payroll and Taxes for Remote Workers

Like it or not, remote work is here to stay. Gone are the days when employees came into the office every day. Maybe an employee works in-person sometimes, but chances are you’ll have at least a few employees or contractors that work entirely remotely.  In some ways, remote work can be easy and convenient. You […]


Savings on the Road: Tax Deductions for Truck Drivers

Truck drivers work diligently all year round, but their efforts become particularly evident during tax season. As tax season approaches, truck drivers may be able to reduce their tax bill by claiming certain deductions. However, it’s important to note that there are some limitations and exceptions to these deductions for truck drivers. We’ll discuss everything […]